NUMTs are fragmentary copies of the mitochondrial DNA that have been 'captured' by chromosomes.

A 'capture' occurs rarely, but over millions of years the number of NUMTs has become appreciable.

The bases in NUMTs are subject to a low mutation rate and by studying the number of mutations,
as compared to the modern CRS, it is possible to make an estimate of a NUMT's age.

As a 'rule of thumb' there are about 3 mutations/1000bps every million years.

A few NUMTs have been formed in the last 5 million years old; and have BLAST scores of 90% - 100%.
Whereas, other NUMTs with BLAST matching scores of around 70% are perhaps 30-50 million years old.

For each chromosome there is a page which gives the details of all the larger NUMTs that are to be
found on that chromosome, together with some of the more interesting smaller NUMTs.

The actual sequences are taken from the James Watson browser.

There is also a page for each chromosome with details of the SNPs which are found in the NUMTs
on that chromosome. These details have also been taken from the James Watson browser. 

Note the mtDNA base numbering used here comes the'Yoruba' reference sequence
- and the numbering is therefore slightly different to the CRS.

Please report any errors or omissions to Ian Logan.

                                       - - - - - - - -

Chromosome         No. of      No. of       Length of        SNP         No. of      '23andMe'
                   NUMTs      fragments      NUMTs           page         SNPs          SNPs 

Chromosome  1       23            31          34469       SNP details      60            0
Chromosome  2       35            42          78669       SNP details      74            4
Chromosome  3       20            23          18887       SNP_details      40            2
Chromosome  4       17            22          30413       SNP details      39            3
Chromosome  5       18            20          29482       SNP details      57            3
Chromosome  6        6            10           6094       SNP details      14            0
Chromosome  7       11            17          41449       SNP details      67            8
Chromosome  8       16            29          32361       SNP details      62            6
Chromosome  9        9            12          22934       SNP details      37            4
Chromosome 10       11            14          15332       SNP details      26            4
Chromosome 11       13            14          21586       SNP details      63            5
Chromosome 12        7             7           2564       SNP details       6            1
Chromosome 13       11            13           6639       SNP details      13            2
Chromosome 14        4             6           8222       SNP details       7            0
Chromosome 15        2             4           7288       SNP details      17            2
Chromosome 16        6             9          13685       SNP details      39            0
Chromosome 17        7            11          19133       SNP details      24            4
Chromosome 18        4             4            783       SNP details       0            0
Chromosome 19        4             8           4353       SNP details       7            1
Chromosome 20        5             5           4171       SNP details      14            2
Chromosome 21       12            12           6411       SNP details       2            0
Chromosome 22       13            13           7185       SNP details      15            1
Chromosome  X       16            36          31983       SNP details      41            3
Chromosome  Y        4             9           8150       SNP details       0            0

For a summary of all the NUMTs - click here

For a summary of all the SNPs  - click here

For a summary of all the '23andMe' SNPs  - click here


Last revised 29 December 2008