
Haplogroup M3.

Click link to see tree diagram for this haplogroup.
Haplogroup M3 tree

The groups around the M* are mainly East Asian groups.

The sequences for the M3 haplogroup are:

 1. Kivisild      (4)A55.JS   DQ112950(Asia)    CODING AREA ONLY

 2. Sun           A11.JS      AY922263
 3. Sun           A14.JS      AY922266

 4. Thangaraj                 DQ408676.2(Paniya) Haplogroup M3 25-APR-2006

 5. Fornarino                 FJ770946(India) Haplogoup M3 10-AUG-2009

The sequences has these differences from the CRS:

- for the main stem leading from H:

73       263      750      1438     2706     4769     7028     8701
8860     9540     10398    10873    11719    12705    14766    15301
15326    16223

- and for the M* branch:

T489C      C10400T    T14783C    G15043A

- and for  M3

T482C    G4580A   

- and ignoring changes at 309 & 315.

the mutation list is:

 1. Kivisild      (4)A55.JS   DQ112950(Asia)
T4703C   C10845T  A13105G

 2. Sun           A11.JS      AY922263
T146C    T204C    C522-    A523-    A2065G   T4703C   C7756T   G15323A  T16126C

 3. Sun           A14.JS      AY922266
G5783A   T8639C   C10727T  T12879C  T16126C  T16298C  C16400T  T16519C

4. Thangaraj                 DQ408676.2(Paniya) Haplogroup M3 25-APR-2006
A73G T195C A263G T482C T489C A750G A1438G C2000T A2706G T3394C A4769G C6713T C7028T 
A8701G A8860G T9540C A10398G C10400T T10873C A11167G G11719A G11914A C12705T T13743C 
C13766T C14766T T14783C G15043A G15301A A15326G A15951G T16126C C16185T T16209C 
C16223T T16297C T16519C 

5. Fornarino                 FJ770946(India)    Haplogoup M3 10-AUG-2009
A73G A93G T195C A263G 315.1C T482C T489C A750G A1438G A2706G
A4769G C7028T A8701G A8860G T9540C T10238C A10398G C10400T T10873C G11719A
T11827C C12705T T13820C C14766T T14783C G15043A G15301A A15326G T16126C C16223T
C16344T T16519C