To use the mtDNA Mutation Computer Model, simply press START.
The Initial Mutation % and the Cell Population No. can be varied.
After any alteration, press START again. Use CLEAR to erase an earlier report, if wished.
The mtDNA Mutation Computer Model shows that a mutation will often become established This computer model has been written to show how mutations become established in mitochondria. Mitochondrial behaviour is very different to that of the chromosomes as they still retain There are two processes that are important: In this mtDNA Mutation Computer Model the user can set an Initial Mutation % It is also possible to vary the Cell Population No. which is the number of cells The number of 'Runs' can be varied between 10 and 100.
A 'fertilised Egg' is considered as dividing a number of times as a 'blastula' is formed In this Computer Model it is taken that a cell has 1000 mitochondria which are passed to the The result of this 'discrete' distribution is that the 'natural world' can be modelled Although this model has be written to demonstrate mutation behaviour
for Family History purposes,
if the Initial Mutation % is at 2%, or higher, but only rarely so if set to 0.5%, or below.
characteristics that show their presumed 'bacterial' origin.
And, a single cell has a number of mitochondria, maybe 1-2000, that act as independent organelles.
(1)Mitochondria multiple by simple 'division'.
(2)Mitochondria distribute themselves, at random, into the 'daughter' cells as a cell divides.
which can be considered as the level of mutations in an 'Egg' cell before fertilisation.
into which the mitochondria may go after an 'Egg' has been fertilised.
with just one of the cells going on in due course to form, in a female, the 'Eggs'.
cells of a 'blastula'. The mitochondria are 'distributed are random' - but this 'distribution' is 'discrete',
- by which is meant, each mitochondrion is considered to behave independently.
with 'uncommon events occurring uncommonly' and 'uncommon events following uncommon events', albeit rarely.
And, this process can lead to the establishment of a new mutation occurring in mitochondrial DNA
over a number of generations. The model also shows that the majority of mutations fail to become established.
it also shows how a pathological mutation, such as might cause a myopathy, can become established.
In this situation an increasing 'mutation load' in the cell population for muscle can lead to a disease
which is worse in the children than in the parents.